Scouts Quiz Night
Hosted by the Scouts - a fun night of quizzing open to all parishioners and friends.
Tickets - £6 adults, £3 children

Advent Reconciliation Service
A time to reflect which allows us to pause during the busy run up to Christmas - as we prepare to welcome the baby Jesus!

Christmas Bazaar
The premier Christmas season event - Santa guaranteed! An array of stalls, eats & drinks, games, hampers & raffles to be won!

Memorial Mass
A chance to remember and share stories of those who now rest in the loving arms of Christ

Casino Royale
NEW - Get ready for the glamour with our Casino night - with cocktails
of course. Black Tie. For Grown Ups only!
Tickets - £TBC

Afternoon Tea & Games
Join us for a full afternoon tea & family board games! Plus a raffle and ‘heads & tails’!
Tickets - £7 adults, £4 children

Parish BBQ
Featuring different foods from across the world, music, bar tent, cakes, tea, soft drinks, ice creams & games!
Tickets - £5 adults, £3 children

Film & Pizza Night
Open to all of secondary school age - if we get enough interest! Film to be announced - More details to come!
Tickets - £5

Rock Choir "Summer Sing"
Bexleyheath Rock Choir perform to support the Local Food Bank
Tickets - £6 adults, £3 children

OLA Quiz Night
Guess what our first social event is? That’s right - Quiz Night! DETAILS: Angelus Centre; teams of up to 8 - £5 a head; bring your own snacks – bar & hot drinks available to buy. RAFFLE – £1 a strip, donations for raffle prizes welcome. TICKETS ON SALE NOW. Cash or card after Mass. Where else would you get all of this for a fiver?!