Christmas at Our Lady of the Angels

Christmas Tree Stars

The Christmas period is upon us and time to decorate the trees. Donations of £5 a star to fill the Christmas trees with memories of our loved ones. Mass will be said for all those whose names are on the trees on Christmas Day. Please complete the form on the newsletter and return with your donation to the Parish Office.

Monday 18th December 2023

Reconciliation Service at 7:30pm

We are all ‘God’s Gift’ but sometimes we fall short of what we think God wants of us. Tonight, you are invited to make yourself worthy of being called ‘God’s Gift’.

Saturday 23rd December 2023

Confessions: 11am – 12noon

Mass: 10:30am & 5:30pm

24th December 2023

(4th Sunday of Advent)

8:30am: Sunday Mass

10:30am: Sunday Mass

12:30 pm: Sunday Mass (Polish)

Please note Sunday evening mass is replaced with Christmas evening mass

5:00pm: Children’s Carol singing & Christmas Mass

10:30pm: Carol Singing

11:00 pm: Vigil Mass

25th December 2023

8:30am: Mass

10:30am: Mass

12:30 pm: Mass (Polish)

Please note there will be no Evening Mass

26th December 2023

10:00am: Mass (Feast of St Stephen)

Renewal of Commitment for Altar Servers

Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th December 2023

Daily Mass at 10.00 am.

Saturday 30th December 2023

Confessions: 11am – 12noon

Mass: 10:00am & 5.30 pm

Sunday 31st December 2023

(New Year’s Eve)

8:30am: Mass

10:30am: Mass

12:30 pm: Mass (Polish)

06.00 pm: Mass

New Year Mass: 11pm

1st January 2024 (Monday

Mass: 10:00am (Mary Mother of God)