Our Lady of the Angels, Erith , Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Season 2025
Our Lady of the Angels is a catholic parish in the archdiocese of Southwark looked after by the Franciscan Capuchins.
“Go, rebuild my house” - With these simple words, Jesus gave a sense of direction, purpose, and mission to St. Francis of Assisi over 800 years ago. As Capuchin Franciscan friars, we endeavour to continue that mission within our parish.
Enjoy finding out a bit more about who we are and what we do as a wider fraternity of Our Lady of the Angels, and help us to fulfil the mission of following in the footsteps of Jesus after the example of St. Francis.
“For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord my God.”
- Psalm 62
In this section
Discover OLA Parish
Parish Events
Social events are great opportunities for the parishioners to come together as a family and to celebrate. please visit this page to know more
Little Church
Sacraments are at the heart of Church’s life from where she draws strength and nourishment.
Parish Groups
To know more about different groups that are active in our parish please visit this page
Get involved
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Parish Hall
If you would like to book the parish hall for private events or parties, please visit the hall website: https://www.angeluscentre.co.uk/