Mass Intentions

Please note published Mass intentions are full until the middle of May - If you require a Mass intention on a particular date there is availability from June onwards

Mass intentions are published weekly. If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular intention, you have the following options available:

1) Fill in the brown envelope which you can obtain in the church with your details, you can place your donation in the envelope, and return it to the friary or into the offertory box for the time being.

2) Email the parish with the intention for which you want the Mass celebrated, and you can make a donation in person at the friary, or online. The Bank account details are as follows:

Capuchin Erith Friary Account

A/C No. 50153986

Sort Code 60 70 03

Please include reference: Mass Stipend

Week Commencing Sunday 21st April 2024

Saturday 20th April – Feria

10:30 am                  Noel Maloney RIP

05:30 pm                 Catherina Wilkinson RIP

Sunday 21st April – Fourth Sunday of Easter (B)

8:30 am                   Parishioners

10:30 am                  Vera White Intentions

12:30 pm (Polish)   Krystyna, Jan, Przemyslaw Paproccy RIP

6 pm                        Elizabeth Hurley

Monday 22nd April – Feria

9:00 am                   Birthday Thanksgiving


Tuesday 23rd April – St George /St. Anthony Novena Wk. 5

9:00 am                   Betty Sefton Birthday Blessings


Wednesday 24th April – St Fidelis of Sigmaringen

9:00    am                Mary Dallison


Thursday 25th April – St Mark  

9:00 am                   Gary Fletcher RIP


Friday 26th April – Feria

9:00 am                   Margaret Elizabeth Duke RIP

Saturday 27th April – Feria

10:30 am                  Benefactors

05:30 pm                 Garry Murphy